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The Whole Man Project Monday Registration

At The Whole Man Project, we celebrate and promote strong and healthy men. It is all about discovering who we really are - who God created us to be. Going from passivity to “doing life on purpose.” The Whole Man Project is a process of discovering what holds us back so that we can kick those things in the teeth and then live lives of purpose and meaning. It’s about walking in freedom from any and all vices. At The Whole Man Project you are given a platform to own your manhood. It’s about being the best men that we can be and living full lives of adventure and courage - all within the framework of healthy relationships, and complete and total honesty. 

Follow the prompts to register for this group. Log in with your online giving information, or create a new account! Please note: this group is for men only.

Requirements to Join:

- 6 month commitment (every Monday night)
- $200 one-time fee up front
- Be fully present, and fully participate
- Be on time at 7:00 pm
- Honesty
- Share what shames you the most
- Be respectful of your Small Group Leader
- Do homework assigned
- This is a group that requires you to work. If you don't want to or can't, DON'T join


Note: Fees cannot be transferred to another event, product, or other Bethel department. Potential refunds are handled on a case by case basis. Thank you for only registering if you plan to attend!


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